Our production services.
Let us do the heavy lifting!
From start to finish, our goal is to offer seamless support so that the Photographer, Agency and Client are free to do their jobs. When the concept is ready to be put in motion, Jennifer Bullock Productions provides a full menu of services for any and all of your production needs. We look forward to showing you what we can do so that the process is a positive experience - enjoy the ride along the way!
US Locations:
California | Colorado | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Illinois | Kentucky | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Jersey | New York | North Carolina | Oklahoma | Oregon | South Carolina | Texas | Washington
Argentina | Canada | Chile | China | Czech Republic | Japan | London | Mexico
We provide:
Estimating & Invoicing
Crew & Vendor Sourcing
Casting & Talent Negotiation
Location Scouting
Location Management & Permitting
Safe Set Protocols for our teams
Covid Compliance Officers & Set Medics
Stylists, Props & Wardrobe
Set Design & Construction
Digital Workflow and Data Management
Studio & Equipment Rentals
Payroll for Talent & Crew
Travel & Transportation
Customs & Carnets
Catering & Craft Services
Green Production Guidance